graphql-thinky - Build an optimized GraphQL schema from Thinky RethinkDB models.
graphql-pouch - A GraphQL-API runtime on top of PouchDB created by GraphQL shorthand notation as a self contained service with CouchDB synchronization.
gql-tools - Tool library with CLI for schema generation and manipulation.
graphql-iso-date - A GraphQL date scalar type to be used with GraphQL.js. This scalar represents a date in the ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD.
graphql-compose - Tool which allows you to construct flexible graphql schema from different data sources via plugins.
node-graphjoiner - Create GraphQL APIs using joins, SQL or otherwise.
GraphQL for PHP7 - A batteries-included, standard-compliant and easy to work with implementation of the GraphQL specification in PHP7 (based on the reference implementation).
schemagen-graphql - Schema generation and execution package that turns POJO's into a GraphQL Java queryable set of objects. Enables exposing any service as a GraphQL service using Annotations.
graphql-java-annotations - Provides annotations-based syntax for schema definition with GraphQL Java.
rdbms-to-graphql - A Java CLI program that generates a GraphQL schema from a JDBC data source.
Rejoiner - Generates a GraphQL schema based on one or more gRPC microservices, or any other Protobuf source.
graphql-spqr - GraphQL SPQR aims to make it dead simple to add a GraphQL API to any Java project. It works by dynamically generating a GraphQL schema from Java code.
C/C++ Libraries
libgraphqlparser - A GraphQL query parser in C++ with C and C++ APIs.
Go Libraries
graphql - An implementation of GraphQL for Go follows graphql-js
GraphQLHub - Query public API's schemas (e.g. Reddit, Twitter, Github, etc) using GraphiQL
js-graphql-intellij-plugin - GraphQL language support for IntelliJ IDEA and WebStorm, including Relay.QL tagged templates in JavaScript and TypeScript.
Apollo Storybook Decorator - Wrap your React Storybook stories with Apollo Client, provide mocks for isolated UI testing with GraphQL
GraphQL Metrics - instrument GraphQL resolvers, logging response times and statuses (if there was an error or not) to the console as well as to InfluxDB.
GraphQL Rover - GraphQL schema interactive navigation, rearrange nodes, search and explore types and fields.
json-graphql-server - Get a full fake GraphQL API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds, based on a JSON data file.
Insomnia - An full-featured API client with first-party GraphQL query editor
RAN Toolkit - Production-ready toolkit/boilerplate with support for GraphQL, SSR, Hot-reload, CSS-in-JS, caching, and more.
ArangoDB - Multi-model database that supports GraphQL schemas in JavaScript inside the database.
Dgraph - Scalable, distributed, low latency, high throughput Graph database with a GraphQL like language (called GraphQL+) as the query language. Dgrapqh can be queried with graphql by using dgraphql
GraphCMS - GraphQL based Headless Content Management System.
Graphcool - Your own GraphQL backend in under 5 minutes. Works with every GraphQL client such as Relay and Apollo.
Hasura - Create tables and get a GraphQL backend in under 60s. Works on top of Postgres that you can directly access. No initial knowledge of graphql required.
Reindex - Instant GraphQL Backend for Your React Apps.
Scaphold - GraphQL as a service that includes API integrations such as Stripe and Mailgun.
Tipe - Next Generation API-first CMS with a GraphQL or REST API. Stop letting your CMS decide how you build your apps.
Apollo Link - The official guide for getting started with Apollo Link - a standard interface for modifying control flow of GraphQL requests and fetching GraphQL results.
f8-apollo - Refactored version of the official F8 app of 2016, powered by React Native and the Apollo Stack.
f8app - Source code of the official F8 app of 2016, powered by React Native and other Facebook open source projects.
Reindex Examples - Example projects for Reindex with using React Native and React.js for web.
angular2-graphql-rest - An example app with REST Api working side by side with GraphQL using Apollo Client with angular2-apollo. Includes step-by-step tutorial how to migrate from REST to GraphQL.
ReactQL starter kit - Universal React + Apollo + Redux + React Router 4, with SSR-enabled GraphQL, store (de/re)hydration and production code bundling.
microhn - Simple Hacker News client built on top of GraphQLHub
Prisma/Apollo/React Full-stack Example - An e-commerce example project with Prisma, GraphQL API Gateway, React, Apollo, Next.js, SSR, CI, and E2E testing. All TypeScript.
How to GraphQL - Fullstack Tutorial Website with Tracks for all Major Frameworks & Languages including React, Apollo, Relay, JavaScript, Ruby, Java, Elixir and many more